Religion in Sports

Whether it’s the sign of the cross, the point up to the skies or the genuflect after a score, overtones of religion in sports is not uncommon. Often, religion can be thought of as a personal or private matter. As long as the athlete performs to expectations, what they do and believe is their choice. However, what happens when sports and religion intersect? In this article about religion and sports, we’ll explore the role of religion and how it affects various athletes’ ideals and beliefs. We’ll also look into which religion doesn’t allow you to play sports in certain conditions and how religious athletes have responded.

What role does religion have in sports?

Historically, religion and sports were closely intertwined. Sporting events often had ties to religious ceremonies or festivals. These events acted as powerful symbols or metaphors of the transcendent. For example, the Olympic Games, held by ancient Greeks, were more of a festival or a celebration for their gods rather than merely a sporting event. While sports have become more secular today, religion still continues to have an impact. On a psychological level, studies have shown religion and spirituality enhance performance in sports. As with any human beings, athletes face their fair share of challenges and often cite religion as a key factor in overcoming their adversities. ... Read More